All active members must: 1/ Maintain A/B honor roll, 2/ Have no major disciplinary action taken against them, including ISS or OSS, 3/ Complete at least 12 hours of community service over 12 months, and 4/ Miss no more than one club meeting per semester.
Membership applications for 2021-22 are open from April 19 through May 3. DO NOT submit an application unless you meet the criteria on the video below. All applicants will be reviewed for academic and behavior background.
The HRMS Beta Club is open to 6th- and 7th-graders in the spring semester. Joining is a three-stage process.
For spring semester 2021, all applicants will follow this procedure:
Stage One: SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION Applicants watch the video above and submit all the required information in the Google form below. This form confirms that you meet all eligibility requirements and agree to all terms of membership should you be accepted into the club. You must submit this by Monday, May 3. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS.*
Students who meet the basic requirements will be sent an EMAIL detailing further instructions. The first batch of acceptances will be sent out on April 28, and the second batch on May 10. If you are denied entry because of a problem with your application, you will also be notified by email.
Students who successfully complete the second stage will be formally invited to the club by EMAIL and will then be responsible for submitting payment of $45 through the school district's K12 payment option or by check to HRMS. ** CASH IS NOT AN OPTION FOR PAYMENT DUE TO LIMITATIONS CREATED BY COVID-19. ONLINE PAYMENT IS REQUIRED. ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN MAY 20. **
Stage Four: Induction
New members will be formally inducted into the club on Thursday, May 20, at 7 p.m. in a ceremony on Microsoft Teams. All students who are accepted into the club will automatically be added to the club Team, and you will see that option available in the application. The ceremony will last about 30 minutes. ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED. This is not just a formal induction, as it will also provide you with important information going forward as a new member.